Information about HIOP
Which Engineering Student Union?
The Engineering Student Union IOL ry is the professional guardian of engineering students and other technical university students.
What is HIOP ry?
24 local associations operate under IOL, of which HIOP is one. HIOP ry was founded in 1992 and our aim is to act as liaison between students, the engineering student union and Hämeenlinna's engineers.
At the same time, we nurture a valuable engineering culture and strive to transfer it to new engineering students. HIOP ry's membership consists of engineering students from the Hämeenlinna and Forssa campuses of Häme University of Applied Sciences.
Why should I become a member?
The answer is simple: because of the monetary benefits. When you become a member of IOL, you get access to, for example, the Finnish Lawyers' Association's services and leisure accident and travel insurance. In addition to these, HIOP offers its members many events at the most affordable prices.
Why should I join the activity?
You will meet a lot of interesting people all over Finland. You will gain experience in association activities and meeting practices and technology. Above all, our activities are based on volunteerism. That's why we hope to get new faces involved in our activities, so that we canwe considered engineering student activity in Hämeenlinna to be at least as lively as it is today.
HIOP ry's rules
§ 1 Name and domicile of the association
The name of the association is Hämeenlinna engineering students HIOP ry, which is called the association in these rules. The association's registered office is Hämeenlinna.
§ 2 Purpose of the association
The purpose of the association is its members
Driving other similar interests
§ 3 Implementation of purpose
The association acts as the regional organization of Insinööripiskelijaliitto IOL ry, which is referred to as the union in these rules, under Insinööriliitto IL ry.
To promote the purpose, the association
Engages in educational and publishing activities
Organizes courses and conference sessions
Organizes events that unite its members
Acts to advance the interests of its members
§ 4 Supporting operations
In order to support the operation, the association is entitled
To establish funds
To accept grants, donations and bequests
With the relevant permission, to organize collections, raffles and parties and entertainment events
To practice publishing and publishing activities
To own real estate and securities for their activities
§ 5 Members
The association can include engineering students, engineering students, honorary members and supporters.
Engineering students of Häme University of Applied Sciences' Visamäki University Center and Forssa campus, as well as engineering students who accept the purpose and operating principles of the association and undertake to fulfill the membership obligations can become members of Hämeenlinna's Engineering Students HIOP ry. The board decides on the approval of members.
Persons who have contributed to the goals of the association in a meritorious manner can be invited as honorary members on the proposal of the board of directors by the decision of the association's meeting. Honorary members are not charged a membership fee.
Private citizens and legal entities that are approved by the government as supporter members and who pay the supporter membership fee determined by the association's autumn meeting can become supporter members.
Supporter members get free access to parties and events organized by the association, unless otherwise stated. Supporter membership is valid until the end of the year.
§ 6 Member obligations and rights
A member will come
Comply with the rules of the association and the decisions of the decision-making bodies.
With the exception of the honorary member, pays the membership fee determined by the board of the Engineering Student Union IOL ry.
The engineering student member has the right to attend, speak and vote at the association's meetings.
Honorary and supporting members have the right to attend and speak, but not the right to vote, at the association's meetings.
§ 7 Member's resignation from the association
A member may resign from the membership of the association at any time by notifying the association's board of directors or its chairman in writing, or by notifying the resignation in the minutes of the association's meeting. The member is free from membership of the association six (6) months after the notice of resignation.
§ 8 Dismissal of a member
The meeting of the association may, on the proposal of the board, dismiss a member who acts contrary to the purposes of the association or fails to fulfill other obligations.
§ 9 Association meeting
Hallitus convenes a meeting of the association if necessary, but at least twice a year for the spring and autumn meetings.
The meeting of the association is called by announcing it on the educational institution's notice board and on the association's website at least two weeks before the meeting of the association.
An extraordinary meeting of the association must be convened when the board deems it necessary or if one-tenth (1/10) of the voting members of the association requests it in writing to discuss a specific matter.
The association's spring meeting must be held by the end of April. At least the following matters must be discussed at the spring meeting:
The association's activity report and accounts from the previous calendar year and the auditor's report are presented.
We will decide on account and liability exemption
The autumn meeting of the association must be held by November 30. At the autumn meeting, at least the following matters must be discussed:
The chairman, vice-chairman and treasurer of the board are elected
The other members of the board are elected
One operations inspector and his deputy will be selected
The association's action plan and budget are confirmed
The supporter membership fee will be confirmed
§ 10 Board of the association
The board of the association consists of the chairman, vice-chairman, treasurer and 1–7 members. The board implements the decisions of the association's meetings, takes care of the association's affairs, and stands and is responsible on behalf of the association.
The board chooses the association's officers.
The board ensures that the association's accounts are auditedby the end of May. The association's accounting period is a calendar year. The operational inspectors must submit their inspection report by March 15.
The board may set up committees to help, whose tasks and composition it determines.
The board has a quorum when the chairman or, in his absence, the vice-chairman and at least half of the members are present.
If a board member is prevented, he can participate in the board meeting with the help of a telecommunications connection or other technical aid.
The name of the association is written by the chairman, treasurer or vice-chairman, one of them, together with the actual member of the board.
The term of office of the board is one calendar year.
§ 11 Rights of the Engineers' Union and the Engineering Students' Union
The association is given the right to audit the affairs of the association.
The representatives of the Engineers' Association and the Engineering Students' Association have the right to speak and be present at all events of the association.
Minutes of the association's meetings must be sent to the association for information.
§ 12 Changing the rules
Changing the rules must be approved at two (2) consecutive meetings of the association with a five-sixth (5/6) majority. There must be at least one (1) month between the meetings of the association, and the second meeting may be an extra meeting of the association.
The rule change must be submitted to the union's board for confirmation.
§ 13 Dissolution of the association
The association must decide by a five-sixth (5/6) majority to dissolve the association in two (2) meetings. Meetings must be at least one (1) month apart, and only the second may be an extra meeting of the association.
The association's funds must be handed over to the union for use in a way that promotes the association's goals.
Vuoden 2025 hallituksen kokoonpano

Heini Heikkilä-Nikkanen
Secretary & Communications representative

Toni Leivaara

Arttu Repo
Event representative

Veeti Mäki
Responsible for educational policy & Culture and cooperation manager

Laura Juntunen
Event representative & Tutor supervisor

Otto Niinivirta
Forssa expert

Mika Kankkunen
viestintä-, yritys- ja yhteistyövastaava

Riku Aarnio

Anniina Santanen
Class contact person in charge & Tutor supervisor